Field Archery

In field archery the archers shoot at targets but whilst walking around a course with targets set up in various locations at varying distances, sometimes involving shooting up or down a slope. Although it is less well-known than target archery, none the less there are international competitions in field archery. Some field archers like to shoot in woodland or rough terrain.

For many, the appeal of field archery lies in its closer relationship to the traditional use of the bow in history. However, one purpose of the practice of field archery is to improve the techniques and abilities used in bowhunting by shooting in an outdoor setting akin to places where hunting might take place. This is why field archery will often make use of three-dimensional targets in the shape of game animals. (N.B. Hunting live animals with a bow is illegal in the UK, though it is legal in some American states and most bowhunting information that you find on the internet is American.)